By Geoff Johns
There was once a time when Geoff Johns could do no wrong. His run on the Justice Society of America, to this day, remains some of the best storytelling of its kind. One thing that always stood out to me in his JSA was the fact that he didn’t write about politics or ideologies, but rather universal values. If anything, his JSA truly did embody the American melting pot and the promise of the American dream. No race, religion, or moral code was singled out as simply good or bad. Good and evil were born out of a character’s intent and actions.
Well, forget about all that. Geoff Johns has since been absorbed into the cult of wokeness and it shows.
Ever wonder what Fallout: New Vegas would be like if it had been woke? Well, my friends, wonder no more! In Geiger, Geoff Johns writes what amounts to woke New Vegas fanfic. Seriously, there are so many similarities I’m shocked Bethesda hasn’t sued yet. What does Johns bring to the post-nuke genre? A world where good and evil are color-coded! Want to know if someone is a bad guy? No problem! Caucasians or Asians are almost always pure evil. Meanwhile, all forms of good come in varying shades of brown.

Honestly, I don’t know what’s more racist. The way Geoff Johns portrays white people as bigoted, sadistic, power-hungry monsters. Or how, even in the apocalypse, blacks can’t manage to achieve anything without first coming under the bootheel of the white man. Even the gangs in this book are all white. Meanwhile, in Vegas, where seven warlords each rule over a casino, the one black warlord is at the very bottom of the hierarchy and his casino on the verge of collapse.
At some point, these woke twits need to realize repeatedly portraying blacks as helpless and in need of saving isn’t enlightening. Its racist
So what about the story in Geiger? Is it any good? No. There are the bones of a good tale here, but it is constantly derailed by ham-fisted woke politics and one-dimensional characters.
I wanted to like this book. I really did. So few comics are worth reading these days. It’s sad to Geoff Johns sacrificed his talent and join the extremist ideology that’s all but destroyed the industry. Oh well…at least there’s plenty of good manga to read.